Bu seneki ILC '07 etkinligi - [Fwd: [Sbcl-devel] Call for
Emre Sevinç
2007-02-21 14:45:13 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Sbcl-devel] Call for Participation: ILC'07
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:40:53 +0100
From: Pascal Costanza <***@p-cos.net>
To: SBCL <sbcl-***@lists.sourceforge.net>

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| Call for Participation |
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| http://www.international-lisp-conference.org |
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| Clare College, Cambridge, England - April 1-4, 2007 |
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In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN
Sponsored by The Association of Lisp Users

General Information:

The Association of Lisp Users is pleased to announce the 2007
International Lisp Conference will be held in Cambridge, England
at Clare College from April 1st to 4th, 2007.

This year's program consists of tutorials at beginners' and
advanced levels, prominent invited speakers from the Lisp and
Scheme communities, an excellent technical session, tours of
Central Cambridge, Anglesey Abbey and Ely, and a quintessential
English experience: a traditional dinner served in the college's
Great Hall. The advance registration deadline is March 11th.

The ILC'07 programming contest is also still running until
March 3rd. For more details, see


Saturday, March 31st

Optional tour of Cambridge

Sunday, April 1st

Tutorials and workshops

- Ernst van Waning, Extended Tutorial: Common Lisp in One Day
- Pascal Costanza, Context-oriented Programming in Common Lisp
- Richard Brooksby, Improve your Lisp using the Memory Pool System
- Duane Rettig, Optimizing and Debugging Programs in Allegro CL

Monday, April 2nd

Invited presentations

- Christian Queinnec, Teaching CS to undergraduates at UPMC
- Michael Sperber,
It's All about Being Right: Lessons from the R6RS Process
- Herbert Stoyan, Lisp: Themes and History

Presentations of accepted papers

Tuesday, April 3rd

Invited presentations

- Jans Aasman, Scalable Lisp Applications
- Ralf Moeller, Building a Commercial OWL Reasoner with Lisp
- Manuel Serrano,
HOP: An Environment for Developing Web 2.0 Applications

Presentations of accepted papers
Annual meeting of the Association of Lisp Users
Conference banquet

Wednesday, April 4th

Invited presentations

- Richard Jones, Dynamic Memory Management
- John Mallery, Lisp/CL-HTTP

Presentations of accepted papers

Thursday, April 5th

Optional tour of Anglesey Abbey and Ely

Conference Registration:

Conference registration is now open. Simply visit

The advance registration deadline is March 11th. You can get
further discounts as an ACM/SIGPLAN and/or ALU member.

Registration includes: access to all events, morning and afternoon
teas / coffees, self-service lunch, banquet (Tuesday April 3rd),
proceedings and hopefully a conference t-shirt. Accomodation is
available in Clare College's "Memorial Court".


Credit cards and PayPal are accepted, as are cheques (sterling or
US dollars) and international bank transfers.

Organizing Committee:

Co-Chairs: Carl Shapiro (SRI International)
Pascal Costanza (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Members: Rusty Johnson (ALU)
Peter Lindahl (ALU)

Program Chair: JonL White (The Ginger Ice Cream Factory / ALU)

Contact: ilc07-program-committee at alu.org

Local chair: Nick Levine (Ravenbrook / ALU)

General correspondence: ilc07-organizing-committee at alu.org

Mailing Lists:

General conference announcements are made on a very occasional
basis to the low-volume mailing list ilc07-announce.


If you're thinking of participating in ILC 2007, you should
either join this list or take an occasional look at the archives.

Pascal Costanza, mailto:***@p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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